Holly had no intention of going to church as her grandparents had hoped or conforming to the . She is given a sixty-year sentence. In 1950's Salt Lake City, Utah, Jean Sinclair, the owner of a retirement home, begins a forbidden love with her beautician, LaRae Peterson. Deadly Teens: Holly Harvey and Sandra Ketchum killed Holly's While Bevel attempts to arrest Andrea for filing a false report, Andrea shoots the officer five times. After her lies are exposed, she assaults Will again, which earns her a battery charge against her. She even goes so far as to stage a burglary in her own home to cover up her thefts, which is the last straw for Chris. Both girls are sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole. Eugenia Falleni Born a woman, but living as a man under the name "Harry Crawford" in conservative turn-of-the-20th century Sydney, Australia, Falleni killed her partner, Annie Birkett, in 1917 to keep her true gender concealed. English Rose Sharon Swinhoe is a magnet for many men and attracts 66-year-old retiree Peter McMillian, but Sharon is only in that relationship for his money. Gates died from kidney failure in 2016. In San Diego, California, Navy recruit Vegas Bray suffered from an unhappy childhood, which stalled her emotional development. Two twins, wholesome schoolteacher Peggy Lowe and flashy, audacious nurse Betty Wilson, found themselves caught in a web of deception and mystery after a man that they both met murdered Betty's ailing husband Jack (a well-loved eye doctor whom Betty married for his money) and claimed that they both made him do it. In the United Kingdom during the early 1870s, Mary Ann Cotton murdered by poison 21 people, including 3 of her husbands, her mother, a lover, a friend and 12 children, 11 of them were her own. Ellishia Allen is a British glamour model with a drinking problem and a volatile temper. Sandra J Ketchum, 81. She is sentenced to fifty years to life. Drug dealer and adulteress Christene Kemmerlin is married for the third time, and her union with husband Wayne is in trouble due to her spendthrift ways and infidelity. sandra-ketchum-2021-photos | My Crime Library After a failed courtship with her lover, male stripper Adrian Sinclair, Heather wants revenge, and she sets her sights on her ex-lover's wife, Diane Lomax. She served a life sentence with possibility of parole after serving fifty years, but died in prison in July 2000. After being arrested for murder, a remorseful Billy pleads guilty and is released back into the community, while the ringleader Pam is sentenced to life without parole. Puente was accused of poisoning her victims, stealing their Social Security checks, then burying seven of their bodies in her backyard. She was initially sentenced to death, but years later her death sentence was commuted to life in prison. Her children, who now despise her for her crime, testify against her in court, and she is serving forty years to life. Thomas's skull remained undiscovered for 130 years. However, she falls for a teenage boy named Billy Flynn and starts an affair, which results in a rape scandal at school. She gets away with the crime until she is imprisoned for stabbing another girl two years later, and she confesses to Katie's murder. Stacey Barker is at first a devoted single mother to 18-month-old Emma, but soon she spends her nights partying while her mother Susan watches Emma. Holly Harvey and Sandra Ketchum "Kill, Keys, Money and Jewelry". The pair also plotted to kill Amy, but a neighbor's 911 call saves her life. After her father discovers her lies, she is forbidden from seeing her boyfriend, Daniel Wong. Join Facebook to connect with Sandra Ketchum and others you may know. When Cory is deployed, Cat takes in a lover named Michael Draven to relieve her boredom. Keng Hwee "Kathy" Yeo is a Chinese-Australian woman working as a psychiatric nurse in Sydney, Australia, when she begins a relationship with one of her patients, Christopher "Chris" Dorrian. Marie responds by murdering William the night before his wedding, enlisting employee Ralph Giancola to help, promising him a cut of William's life insurance payout. In April 2003, Carol lures Philip to a hotel room with the promise of a romantic night out, then stabs him twenty-two times with a cheese knife and claims he was murdered by swingers in a sex game gone wrong. 3. Kimberly Diane Cargill's relationships never last long due to her violent temper and abusive behavior, and she constantly wars with the fathers of her four children. Upon saying that, he meant that she must go to live with her father, but Penny strangled Karissa on January 27, 2008. Taking the law into her own hands out of anger, she and her boss hired a hitman to kill Buzz for $5,000. Tiffany Cole In Jacksonville, Florida, Tiffany Ann Cole, her boyfriend, Michael Jackson, and friends, Bruce Nixon and Alan Wade kidnapped and buried alive an elderly couple who had helped care for her as her father was dying from terminal cancer and stole their money. Hal Ketchum, Nineties Country Singer of 'Small Town Saturday Night She is also suspected of the murder of fellow exotic dancer Shari Davison, who has been missing since February 18, 1995. In 1940s Memphis, Tennessee, 49-year-old Georgia Tann, hailed as "the mother of modern adoption," is acclaimed for her work in adopting babies out to Hollywood actors and other well-to-do childless couples, but she is really a cold-hearted monster who kidnaps babies from poor families and neglects the ones she finds unworthy of adoption. Brian's death is caught on Kim's 911 call, and Kim is sentenced to life without parole. After a divorce, Angelina Rodriguez meets Frank Rodriguez while working at a summer camp. Brenda Spencer On January 29, 1979, when she was 16 years old, Spencer opened fire on a schoolyard in San Diego, killing the principal and custodian and wounding eight children and a police officer. In Peoria, Arizona, Doris Ann Carlson is a part-time nursing assistant living with her husband, David Carlson, and her mother-in-law, Lynne Carlson, who has multiple sclerosis. When her husband, Paul Berkley, leaves for a tour of duty in Iraq, she begins an affair with her teenage stepson's friend, Andrew Canty, 18. In Tucson, Arizona, teenager Clarissa Sanchez is daddy's little girl until she meets Larry "Ray" Coronado and her father forbids the relationship, fearing Ray is too possessive. It was not until one girl was found dying from numerous open sores that this woman was finally unmasked and she was branded a monster for centuries to come. In 1984, respected nurse Maureen "Miki" McDermott, heavily in debt from her party-girl lifestyle, lets friend Steven Eldridge move in with her, promising him a half-interest in her home in exchange for $10,000, but she does not follow through on her end of the bargain. Clift's confession saved her from the death penalty, and she received thirteen years in prison. She is sentenced to death, Jimmy to life in prison without parole. After violent assaults, Will gets out of the relationship, but Victoria won't let him go, going so far as to accuse him of rape and abuse. Between 1939 and 1940, Leonarda drugs three neighbors, chops their bodies, and makes soap and tea cakes out of them. On May 15, 2010, deciding to literally kill the competition, Nadiyah and her fifteen-year-old cousin, Aliyah, disable ShaRon with bleach, and then, Nadiyah stabs her twenty-seven times in front of her children. For years, Becky beats, humiliates, and starves Lyndsey with the help of her mother. Michelle Gable is a Montana woman with environmental sensitivities, who makes life difficult for her husband Joe. Beth Carpenter A lifetime over-achiever and fresh out of law school, Carpenter was determined to take custody of her niece in East Lyme, Connecticut, but the judge granted custody to her sister Kim and Kim's partner Buzz. Ray is sentenced to life, Clarissa to twenty-one years. After Dena Schlosser and her husband John lost their business and their home, they joined a charismatic church, and Dena devoted herself to church to the exclusion of everything else including her children. Wright's sentence was 25 years, but was reduced to 20 years; she is released from prison on December 30, 2020. Jennifer Rose Trent is a Florida woman struggling to make ends meet for her son. It is unknown what happened to the Benders. Two years after, in 2005, it inspired a mini-series consisting of three episodes: "Obsession," "Greed" and "Revenge." In early 20th century Delaware, May Carey is left destitute after her husband's death while raising her three sons. She receives eighty-eight years in prison, but she could be eligible for parole as early as 2023. James gets life, while Howard and May are sentenced to death and are both hanged in 1935. Sarah starts fantasizing about killing people and reading books about serial killers, and on January 14, 2014, she kills Hal by drugging his beer with drugs, tying him up, and stabbing him through the neck. David receives a death sentence and remains on death row, Michael receives two life sentences, while Cat pleads guilty and receives four life sentences plus 20 years. Tracey Ann Richter and her husband, Dr. John Pittman, were college sweethearts, but by 2001, they are bitterly divorced, and she moves to the small town of Early, Iowa, with her new Australian husband. However, the plan is exposed when one of the scammers comes forward. Puente is sentenced to life in prison and maintained that she was innocent until her death on March 27, 2011. After their breakup, Linda goes on a months-long campaign of harassment and stalking when he meets his new girlfriend. Singh was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but was released early in 2001. Barbara Opel In a 2001 murder plot that took place in Everett, Washington, Opel talked children (including her own daughter, Heather) into brutally murdering a helpless old man who generously helped them during trying times. EXCLUSIVE: Fayetteville double murder case hits the TV Monday, March 9 However, she soon finds like-minded friends, who decide to embark on a killing spree. She then joyfully announces her deed on social media, which helps the police catch up with her. She is serving a minimum twenty-year sentence. His torso was found in a dumpster behind a supermarket, but the rest of his remains have never been found. Daphne pled guilty to manslaughter and served 10 years in jail. Coit got life without parole. Grant receives life without parole, while Amanda receives thirteen to sixteen years, plus an additional twenty years. New York bankers Patricia Silberstein and Anthony "Tony" Wojcik move in together as a couple, but their happiness is short-lived, as Tony is an abusive, out-of-control alcoholic who cheats on Patricia, and continues to stalk and harass her even after Patricia leaves him. Canadian doctor Shirley Turner begins a relationship with American medical student Andrew Bagby, thirteen years her junior. Theresa Riggi's lack of trust in others leads her to isolate her children from society and have complete control over them. However, on August 9, 1849, when the agreement isn't enough for her, Maria and Frederick shoot and bludgeon Patrick for all of his stock and bonds. Kirsten Stephens is an Independence, Missouri, woman who is married to her retired coworker, Charlie, but has a severe compulsive gambling problem that forces Charlie to come out of retirement after she loses nearly a million dollars over the course of their marriage. Sarah Williams and Katrina "Kit" Walsh are best friends despite their twenty-year age difference, and enjoy using men for money, with Sarah having sex with them. Amber Wright Teen Killer Seath Jackson Murder. Australian Sneza Suteski has a habit of stealing money from her employers and blowing it at casinos. Manling Tsang Williams ( Zng Miln)[7] enjoys her freedom, finding life as a wife and mother too confining, but does not want the financial strain of divorce. Feeling smothered by her husband, David, and wanting his life insurance money, she employs Andrews and fellow drug dealer Bobby Morris to shoot David to death in July 1994. Wendy is paroled in 2004, and James in 2014, but they are no longer together. Melinda Loveless, Laurie Tackett, Hope Rippey and Toni Lawrence On January 10, 1992, Loveless, with the help of the 3 other schoolgirls, kidnapped, tortured, and murdered 12-year-old Shanda Sharer in Madison, Indiana. When Vaughne forbids her daughter to see her boyfriend, Nakisha stabs her mother forty-three times and she and Annie hide the body in a tool shed. Diane Downs On May 19, 1983, in Springfield, Oregon, Downs shot her three children, killing one of them. Paige Conley is a drug addict and alcoholic who lives with her loving mother Carlene, whom she regularly bullies and gets in trouble. Alicia Ernst is bubbly and popular, while her best friend since middle school, Stephanie Erends, is troubled, insecure, and self-medicates with drugs and booze. Wamsley received a life sentence; barring a successful appeal, he will also be eligible for parole. Holly Harvey, 'Killer Instinct': 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know Her claim fails, and she is sentenced to life in prison with a twenty-year minimum. Jennifer Reali Was with a man who used seduction and Bible passages to convince her to murder his wife, painting the murder as an act of mercy because his wife had lupus. After a trial that gained national attention, her sentencing would become one that would divide the nation. When Molly and Jason move back to the United States, however, their relationship deteriorates due to Molly's possessive nature over his kids after she had a miscarriage. Turn of the century Chicago wife/necrophile Louise Vermilya uses arsenic to murder two husbands, five stepchildren and two other men for years before getting exposed. She was executed in 1955. In 1991, 23-year-old Omaima meets 56-year-old Bill Nelson. Jean and Leslie falsely accuse Alex of molesting the boy in a plot to get Leslie full custody, and before Alex can have his day in court, Jean strikes first, shooting Alex to death in January 2006. Winnie Ruth Judd In 1931, Judd impulsively murders her friends after fighting over a man, Jack Halloran, and has them cut up with the intention of dumping their remains in the Pacific Ocean. Timothy Wade Ketchum, age 58 of Griffin, passed away on Monday, January 31, 2022. She was sentenced to life in prison without parole on March 27, 2001, and is currently serving her sentence at Federal Medical Center, Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas. In Tucson, Arizona, Shawna Forde starts a group of "minutemen" vigilantes to track down illegal Mexican immigrants, and recruits Jason Bush and Albert Gaxiola to join her. Showing no remorse, Nakisha is sentenced to seventy years in prison, eligible for parole in 2038. The murder is soon found out when Clarissa tells all to her sister, who, in turn, informs the police. Regina gets 35 years in prison and Margaret, 46 years. She is serving thirty-two years to life. She falls in love with Justyn Rosen, a married man twice her age, but after seven years of dating, Justyn ends the relationship to return to his wife and gets a restraining order against her. When Stacey's boyfriend tells her that he does not want to be a father to Emma, she suffocates her daughter, then tries to disguise the murder as a kidnapping/rape. Alexander promises to leave his wife and marry Laura, but after seven years of empty promises and lies from Alexander, Laura is tired of being the other woman, and shoots him in front of his wife. The unlikely couple begins planning out their future together, and it does not involve Amber's mother, Dixie, or younger sister, Amy, with whom Amber has a stormy relationship. The women beat him, then disposed of his unconscious body in a nearby river. In January 1988, she shoots husband Richard in his sleep, then enlists her lover and another co-worker to help dispose of the body. Angelina tries to kill Frank by causing a gas leak in the house, but he survives. Richard gets a twenty-five-year-to-life sentence, and Angela is sentenced to death row, which is later commuted to life without parole in August 2020. Amanda quickly attempts to kill Sean and also posts her crime online, but Sean survives. Hunter finds a new girlfriend, but Tracey charms her way back into his bed, and then accuses him of raping her, but her case crumbles under closer scrutiny. Upon their arrest and conviction, Jackson, Cole and Wade were all sentenced to death, while Nixon, who agreed to lead authorities to the gravesite and testify against his cohorts, is serving 45 years. On the run from the law, plastered all over the news, and unable to live with the failure of her plan and her losing the executive forever, Wanda discloses her location to authorities before taking her own life in defeat. Both are serving 200-300 years for her parents' and brother's murders, plus fifty years for solicitation for murder. She pleads guilty to first-degree murder and receives life without parole. She was released in 1980 at age 23. Patricia Wells is working as a nurse in a retirement home when she meets William Jennings, and despite their age cap, they marry. Allitt has to serve a minimum of thirty years. Shirley's daughter Norma exposes her mother as a murderer who poisoned Lloyd with antifreeze for Lloyd's life insurance money. Sarah and Carl Collier Murders: Where Are Holly Harvey and Sandy But her watertight alibi led police on a wild goose chase for clues and a conviction leading to dark secrets from her past and only one way to expose her. Taking no responsibility and showing no remorse, Lan is convicted of first-degree murder and is now serving twenty-five years to life in prison. Both are sentenced to death in Ohio. Obsessed with getting revenge on Fred for leaving her, she travels from Houston, Texas, to Virginia, and shoots Fred to death on October 28, 2004. Patricia got life without parole and Christopher's sentence was 30 years in prison. Both murderers get caught very quickly and are sentenced to life without parole, with Delpha Jo taking a plea for the sentence to avoid the death penalty. In January 2015, Doris confronts Jennifer after being alerted to the missing money, causing Jennifer to seriously injure her, and eventually kill her after four days of waiting for Doris to die.
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