We had a Departments shall provide ergonomic training to all employees assigned to each call center. This California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) has mailed Our Union Team has held two meet and confer sessions with the The bid request form may be made available on the department's intranet. Notwithstanding section 5.10(b), the State shall only test for amphetamines and methamphetamines, cocaine, marijuana/cannabinoids (THC), opiates (narcotics), phencyclidine (PCP) and alcohol and shall use the cut-off levels for determining positive test results contained in 49 CFR 40 et al. Less than full-time employees shall be charged time proportionate to the employee's scheduled hours of work. Notwithstanding Government Code sections 905.2, 19818.8, and 19818.16, an employee may be temporarily required to perform out-of-class work by the employee's department for up to one hundred twenty (120) calendar days in any twelve (12) consecutive calendar months when it determines that such an assignment: Is of unusual urgency, nature, volume, location, duration, or other special characteristics; and. To ensure equitable volunteer overtime opportunity, BU 20 CNAs shall be provided an opportunity to choose a voluntary overtime slot once. CTO for employees shall be earned on a one and one-half (1) time basis and may be authorized in lieu of cash compensation. This was our third meeting on Duty statements, post orders, and work instructions shall be determined by the appointing power or designee and will be consistent with an employee's classification. If the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant a formal grievance shall be filed on a CalHR 651 (Job Description Form) provided by the State within: Fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the decision rendered by the supervisor; or. Full-time service as a pre-tenured employee at one special school in one or more classes of employees for three (3) successive school terms or fiscal year, as applicable; and commencement of service upon reappointment for full-time service at that school for the next school term or fiscal year, as applicable. A mixed shift work week is one in which an employee is regularly scheduled to work more than one shift or watch in fulfilling the employee's normal forty (40) hour work week schedule. In the event the ergonomic concern is not resolved at the supervisor's level, the supervisor shall send the ergonomic evaluation request form to the "Risk Management Department" for evaluation within five (5) working days after non-resolution of the problem. Upon request of an employee who has been on duty continuously for fifteen (15) or more hours, the employee shall have the option to: While on vacation, pre-approved absence, or on full work day absence due to sick leave*, Union leave or State release time, or any other authorized absence from the facility, BU 20 LVNs will not be considered for mandatory overtime. Upon request, the Post and Bid administrator shall meet periodically with SEIU Local 1000 representatives for the purpose of reviewing compliance with the Post and Bid provision. Registration Operations Divisions (ROD) suspension of telework. reissue and/or update of employee policy documents without proper Written request for appeal will be addressed to the QRP (via Employee Relations Officer) within twenty (20) calendar days of notice of ineligibility. The assignment procedure shall include the decision-making process and the position(s) responsible for classroom assignments and review of assignments. Enhanced Background Checks. Nurse Practitioners called back to work under section 19.11 (Call Back Time) shall be provided one (1) hour compensated time off (CTO) for travel time. The twenty-four (24) month bid cycle begins in the month of April 2008, for those employees who wish to participate. Such locations must be within a preapproved work space and during preapproved work hours inside the teleworker's residence, telework centers, or other offices of the State, as approved pursuant to the department's telework policy and guidelines. 19.3(B) of the SEIU Local 1000 Contract shall be applied to all call center employees. Effective August 1, 2006, all full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall cease Educational Leave accrual, as provided in section 8.28.3 Educational Leave. management to address all health and safety concerns for our Health/Dental/Vision Benefits - A PI employee will be eligible for these benefits if the employee has been credited with a minimum of four hundred eighty (480) paid hours in one (1) of two (2) control periods. We confirmed that DMV In arbitrations involving adverse actions, the arbitrator shall determine if just cause exists and, if not, the appropriate remedy. This meeting is An updated paper copy shall be made available at all EDD worksites every six (6) months. Motor Vehicles (DMV) to meet and confer regarding the For FLSA covered employees, the State shall endeavor to accommodate travel to an alternate worksite to occur during an employee's normal work hours. We reviewed the proposed labor agreements between the state and Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 21. A volunteer pool will be established and used as follows: Guides will be polled in July of each year as to whether the Guide wishes to volunteer beyond the maximum twelve (12) evening tour shifts. Within 120 days of ratification, the parties shall establish a Joint Labor Management Task Force to develop a pilot Post & Bid process for Medical Assistants in CHCF Stockton. Lottery (Lottery) to address issues with implementation and ; Needs of the facility, including security and safety; If two (2) or more employees request the same assignment or shift and meet the above qualifications, the most senior employee will be granted the position. Unit 15 employees who are not covered by a Post and Bid Agreement and who request a work assignment or shift change not involving a geographic relocation shall submit a written request to the facility/program management or designee. Strategic Planning Team (SPT) will meet again in March to review We're building member power to leverage a great contract. The QRP will make a decision on the appeal and notify the applicant in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the decision. Any department with Unit 17 employees shall upon request by Unit 17 establish a joint labor management committee to review the current utilization and scope of practice of Registered Nurses. Once a BU 20 LVN has signed up for voluntary overtime, it is the LVN's responsibility to work that position, unless the LVN has given the nursing supervisor, or their designee, seventy-two (72) hours' notice to enable the timely scheduling of a replacement. The dates and times shall be mutually determined and the committee members shall not suffer loss in compensation. DMV is not prepared for the work of ROD to be done virtually, A PI employee will be eligible for holiday pay on a pro rata basis, based on hours worked during the pay period for observed holidays specified in Article 7 of this Contract in accordance with the following chart. specific concerns that our members have brought up about July 28. Vehicles (DMV) to discuss the Field Office Temperature Screening The most senior eligible employee meeting the requirements as described in the Eligibility To Participate in Post and Bid section, supra, will be selected for a position. A PI employee will be subject to the provisions of section 8.1, Vacation/Annual Leave. The Director of the Board, or designee will develop the criteria for granting recognition. representatives from the California Correctional Health Care Submit completed application to Chief of Nursing Service at your institution making sure that courses listed meet the requirements stated for eligibility. When an employee is assigned out-of-class work, the employee shall receive the rate of pay the employee would have received pursuant to Title 2 California Code of Regulations sections 599.673, 599.674, or 599.676 if appointed to the higher classification. Degrees - courses leading to AA, BS, MS Ph.D. degrees in nursing. surgeries. A copy of the written denial shall also be sent Attn: SEIU Local 1000 Headquarters. A waiting list will be established with those employees who have been removed from an assignment as a result of a correction to a seniority date or due to management error in assigning the employee. Tax Board (FTB) to meet and confer on FTBs notice of the updated Each call center shall provide notification of the ergonomic evaluation to each employee, along with a copy of an ergonomic evaluation request form, at least two (2) weeks prior to the ergonomic evaluation. their intent to implement performance standards for some Program Agresso unit-4 developer. specifically in terms of information security. Jury Duty - A Seasonal Clerk employee shall only be granted jury duty leave in accordance with section 8.14 if the employee is scheduled to work on the day(s) in which the service occurs and only for the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work on the day or days. Contracts SEIU Local 1 There shall be seventy percent (70%) of the RN qualifying post assignments (excluding specialty areas) in the CDCR allotted according to seniority at each facility. Hours worked in excess of the pay period due to an employee's normal work schedule will be treated as excess hours. The number of hours and schedule of work shall be determined based upon the operational needs of each department. We are sharing information here Except in cases of emergency or planned program activity employees shall not be required to work: More than three (3) mandatory overtime shifts per month of at least two (2) hours of duration, effective January 2, 2020; and no more than two (2) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with Article 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or, In excess of sixteen (16) hours continuously in a forty-eight (48) hour period; or, In excess of two (2) mandatory overtime shifts in an employee's scheduled work week; or. Failure on the part of the employee to submit a request form by 4 p.m. on May 1, shall result in a no preference indicated (NPI) for the employee. Unit 4 returned to the bargaining table on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 the Return to Office Plan. The bidding employee shall submit the completed bid form to the following: The original to the location designated on the bid form, A copy to the Union designated steward, and. The training shall include the following: CDCR management agrees to offer training in treatment of pepper spray patients to newly hired Registered Nurses who will respond to emergencies. Classifications are assigned to the workweek groups as shown in the Lists of Classifications attached to this Contract. Employees may elect to use PLP in lieu of approved sick leave. our negotiation teams proposals, DMV has rescinded the An agreement reached last Tuesday, February 10, brings the The strikeout of the supervisor's responsibilities represents the intent to expressly exclude the negotiation of an agreement to the assigned supervisor's duties through this provision. a new grievance from an LTA whose case is such a strong example If cash compensation is paid to an employee for accrued CTO, such compensation shall be paid at the regular rate earned by the employee at the time the employee receives such payment. A Seasonal Clerk employee shall not be removed from scheduled work hours because the employee is on jury duty. In the six (6) month period prior to the expiration date of this Contract, the complete Contract will be subject to renegotiation. Corrections and Rehabilitation Department of Juvenile Justice Persons who are already members or annuitants of the CalPERS as a state employee prior to January 15, 2011. Local 1000s ongoing campaign to update the job specifications of An employee may voluntarily withdraw from participating in the Annual Bid Process by submitting a written request to the employee's supervisor. All exchanges must occur within thirty (30) calendar days from the initial exchange. Effect a combination of a, b, or c, above. The current contract with Unit 12 is in effect from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023. Disputes concerning this section shall be grievable to the Departmental level of review and shall not be arbitrable; Either party may request a meet and discuss regarding any problem or concern with the P&B procedure. Stronger Together Dedicated to giving all Californians the opportunity to have a good life and enjoy the fruits of social, economic and environmental justice. of the problem of LTAs working out of class that it may set a Article 22, Article 23, etc. (This section shall not change/amend any provision in the current Contract's regarding State's Rights on mandatory overtime.). The CDCR has established a 4/10/40 work schedule for Institutions that have eligible BU 3 employees assigned to the schedule. All bids must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on the fifteenth (15th) day of posting. that this change is moving to be in line with Contact Center Overtime shall first be offered to level-of-care employees for level-of-care overtime assignments before allowing other BU 20 classifications to work overtime. Part time employees shall be subject to the same conditions as stated above, on a pro-rated basis. offers and supports four informal options (depending on The most up-to-date information from DGS can be found in the following information. What are the Time Limits for Reinstatement? Seniority: One (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time state service in the employee's classification. delays in State Special Schools Benefit (SSSB) funds. Should the department determine that the above does not meet the needs of the department, the department and SEIU Local 1000 mutually agree to meet and confer over the impact of any proposed change. to the employment of new Medical Assistants to ensure the new The choice not to participate shall result in management assigning the individual to an assignment that remains unfilled after this bid process is completed. Unless a specific provision provides for a different effective date, the term of this Contract shall be January 2, 2020 to June 30, 2023. ARTICLE 3 - UNION SECURITY . data operators, word processing technicians, stock clerks and This section is not subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure of this Contract. triers of fact for these hearings. The vacant assignments that have been determined by management to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. of this, members of our Union are working hard to ensure Health These hours shall be counted towards the maximum yearly hours, not to exceed 1,500 hours. This shall include contracts that may otherwise be protected from public disclosure, if the contracts provide for services found in bargaining unit class specifications. transparent method. SEIU Local 1000 - Contract Range increases are attained by completing additional education or training credits as described on the salary schedule. policy. Seniority scores will be determined by counting one point for each month of full-time BU 20 qualifying service (i.e., from full-time hire date, less any time off for unpaid leave, suspensions, etc). We confirmed that all permanent employees impacted were Once a BU 17 employee has signed up for voluntary overtime, it is the employee's responsibility to work that position, unless the employee has given the nursing supervisor, or the employee's designee, seventy-two (72) hours' notice to enable the timely scheduling of a replacement. If there is more than one employee with an Employee Opportunity Transfer application to the same location on file, one of the top three (3) employees with the greatest amount of department service by class shall be selected. On Some of the major details from the negotiations The task force will endeavor to complete this classification study within two (2) years from the ratification of this Agreement. (100%) of the time into the office an equivalent of twenty After long discussions around Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) regarding the implementation productive meeting where we learned CDPH is working to address DJJ Stipend UpdateMay 4, 2022. As part of an ongoing process of enhancing the work of their At the employee's request, the State shall send the second portion of the split urine specimen (Sample B) to another certified drug testing laboratory of the employee's choice, and the State shall pay for the test when the test of Sample B fails to confirm the test of Sample A. Publication and dissemination of job opportunity bulletins. permanently teleworking due to the COVID-19 emergency. "The employee does not have the option to receive the employer contributed amounts paid pursuant to this Agreement directly instead of having them paid to the retirement system.". Where the use of overtime is prevalent and there are more than three (3) equally qualified employees within a work unit, the department shall establish a seniority system to request and utilize volunteers to perform overtime work from within the appropriate work area(s) and classification(s). Notwithstanding the above, FLSA covered employees traveling on state business, outside of the employee's normal work hours (as defined in FLSA) will be granted a special allowance for actual time spent traveling. Indy Janitorial Master Contract. An assignment shall not be considered altered when the training is conducted on a shift other than the employee's regularly scheduled shift and the employee is required to attend. Safety Branch to the public as of February 16, 2021. DMV members Over 450 Permanent Intermittent (PIs) employees working for SEIU Local 668 represents nearly 20,000 public, social, and human services workers. Client, Any nursing units required in the Nurse Practitioner Course/Program, Any nursing units included in the BS, MS or Ph.D. holding Lottery accountable for health and safety violations recommendations for best practices. "Employee Contributions." When a training session is scheduled on an employee's authorized day off and the training session is canceled without prior notice to the employee, the employee shall be guaranteed at least four (4) hours of work or shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) hours at the employee's regular rate of pay. When night jury duty is required of a Seasonal Clerk employee, the employee shall be released without loss of compensation for such portion of required time that coincides with the Seasonal Clerk employee's work schedule. The primary focus of the discussions was around the implementation of Real ID. On the 15th of every month, new lists will be created by management to adjust the ranking of the employees on the lists by number of hours of opportunity the employees were offered. A rest period will not normally be granted during the first or last hour of the work shift. represented Hearing Officers would act as both advocates and The parties will work with CalPERS to establish more flexible purchase provisions for employees. July 30th they were able to sign 19 tentative Agreement status. Management will then continue through the overtime list(s). Applicant arranges for college or university to mail official transcript to the Chief of Nursing Service. Class size criteria established by department policy may only be grieved to the second step of the grievance process. preserve our members rights during the current BOE Employees who purchase past service are required to pay the amount of contributions the employees would have paid had the employees been First Tier members during the period of service that the employees are purchasing. Prior to initiating such actions, the Labor Relations Office should be contacted. On June 1, 2022, our Union team met with the Department of Motor Such programs shall operate within the policies, procedures, and guidelines established by the 2010 Statewide Telework Model Program. Employees who have been absolved of wrongdoing as stated above, shall be accorded one (1) successful bid so long as the bid is exercised within three (3) months of the decision absolving the employee. When an employee is formally interviewed, the department head or designee will notify the employee of the non-selection. At the date of commencement of service for the second school term, or fiscal year as applicable, at that school, the transferee shall lose tenure at the school from which the employee transferred and shall have tenure at the school to which the employee transferred. The grievance and arbitration procedure described in this section shall be the exclusive means for appealing position allocation or reallocation referenced in Government Code sections 19818.6 and 19818.20. The DBUR post will be counted in that institution's eighty percent (80%) of eligible posts. The time frames will be agreed upon at the local level by the Union and Management. For the purpose of salary advancement CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 employees may also receive both professional growth and salary advancement as long as there has been prior approval for such an action from a CDCR, OCE designee as follows: In lieu credit may be granted for engaging in projects and/or workshops approved by a CDCR, OCE designee regarding the improvement of instruction and curriculum at the rate of ten (10) hours equal to one (1) credit. As stated in Government Code section 20683.2, effective July 1, 2013, State Safety members shall pay an additional one percent (1%) retirement contribution making the employee's total contribution rate ten percent (10%) of monthly pensionable compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317). If these occur, the employee shall have the right to bid again. Resources (CalHR) to negotiate on behalf of our Health Upon request, upward mobility training and information shall be provided to all call center employees. The affected department shall, within twenty (20) calendar days, either grant or deny the requested exemption and inform the Union and the affected teacher in writing of the department's decision. of our new contract at the master table today, one that provides If an exchange is denied, the supervisor denying the exchange shall state the reason for the denial upon written request by the employee. In order to be eligible to withdraw leave credits from this Bank, the employee must face financial hardship due to an injury or prolonged illness or the injury or prolonged illness of an eligible family member. their VCC system in their Tax, Disability Insurance, and In accordance with these procedures, the most senior qualified employee shall be selected. A list of approved job-related subjects is available through the Employee Relations office. Employees shall be permitted to take breaks except when required to meet an unforeseen business necessity. In addition, permanent changes or cancellations to flexible work hours, alternate work schedules or reduced work time schedules shall not be made without prior adequate notice of at least thirty (30) calendar days to affected employees. The Union and the department will continue to meet as necessary to examine personal services contracts which have been let. A personal leave day may be disapproved if the operating needs of the school prevent such leave. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement (e.g. SEIU Local 1000 - Contract SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. The notice of disciplinary action shall include: A statement of the nature of the disciplinary action; The effective date of the disciplinary action; A statement in ordinary and concise language of the acts or omissions upon which the disciplinary action is based; A statement advising the employee of the right to answer the notice orally or in writing; A statement advising the employee of the time within which an appeal must be filed; and. Employees may bid for multiple posts. The State shall endeavor to give thirty (30) calendar days but in no case less than fifteen (15) calendar days notice. Bereavement Leave - A Seasonal Clerk employee may only be granted bereavement leave in accordance with Article 8, section 8.3 without pay, if scheduled to work on the day(s) for which the leave is requested and only for the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work on the day or days. An employee who fails to report for duty for the exchange and has not provided a medical verification of illness as described, shall not be allowed to participate in an exchange for one hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of the missed exchange. This document protects our rights as state workers. The High School Area Overtime List will include only those Counselors who are assigned to the High School Area. In accordance with Article 13.7.4 of our contract, State As a result of the court Once the investigation has been concluded and if the charges have not been substantiated, the employee shall be returned to the employee's bid assignment. Upon request, post orders and duty statements will be provided for each of the positions prior to the meet and discuss. The State shall not use the log on/off time to the computer or electronic access card entry/exit times of employees as the source of attendance reporting. If management fills the position, it shall be counted neutral until the next twenty-four (24) month bid cycle. Department of Public Health (CDPH) regarding the new Telework Permanent shift assignment is defined as an assignment of thirty (30) calendar days or more. current employees hired prior to 2019 to undergo the Tier 2 New Regional Offices: When new Regional Offices are established, DGS shall advertise and accept applications from employees statewide. Tamekia Robinson, our Vice President of The announcement shall be published in a prominent location accessible to Unit 15 employees that is designated by each facility or institution. Prior to the court order, our positive as the team brought up a variety of concerns about The Guide with the least number of monthly hours will be scheduled first. Not only did the Applicants who are otherwise eligible and are not granted the educational differential because they have not met the course requirements may re-apply immediately upon completion of appropriate courses. "Gross Income." The tenure is in that school. Any denial of requests made under subsection B shall be provided in writing. Some of the major details from the JLMC discussion CDCR management agrees to provide training to CTC RNs who are involved in the Keyhea process and updates annually, if needed. For the purpose of this provision "seniority" is defined as one point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. The 220 day Academic Calendar Year includes two hundred ten (210) instructional days and ten (10) professional staff development days. An employee whose request for transfer is granted, shall be entitled to moving and relocation expenses in accordance with section 12.1. Local 1000 has formed a Call Center Work Group to help effectuate Local 1000 fought for JLMCs through a stewards grievance, The term "wages" shall mean the compensation prescribed in this Agreement. The special needs of employees who have documented medical problems, childcare problems, or other significant reasons which would impact on the employee's ability to work the overtime assignment(s) shall be considered. That vacuum of communication too often leads to work being outsourced that could have been done by existing state staff. All approved bid request forms must be completed and submitted, in accordance with the "Bidding" provision below, no later than 4:00 p.m. on May 1, or 4:00 p.m. on the following Monday if the date falls on the weekend. Quarter units convert to semester units on a three (3) for two (2) basis. If the employee calls back before another employee accepts the overtime, that employee will be allowed to accept the overtime. In lieu credit may be granted for engaging in projects and/or workshops approved by a DJJ/CEA designee regarding the improvement of instruction and curriculum at the rate of ten (10) hours equal to one credit. This system will replace the Courses in an Expanded Practice Credentials Program as defined by the California Nursing Practice Act, in the following areas: Educational differential will be made by the Personnel Office following written approval and recommendation from PNED. This collective bargaining process is governed by the Ralph C. Dills Act (Government Code sections 3512-3524). The Committee will consist of up to five (5) State representatives chosen by the State and five (5) Union representatives chosen by the Union, who shall serve without loss of compensation.
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