DUST 2 DUST Gays We will not accept gays He started his own gang called the Westside Crips. Fudge Town Crips are known to wear brown and blue. This misrepresentation of the Crips has largely affected Crips throughout the south and parts of the mid-west. THE 6-POINT STAR Crips with higher rank are respectfully referred to as "Big Homies" by Crips with lower rank. Some of the other original founding fathers of the crips were Angelo "Barefoot Pookie" White, Melvin Hardy, Bennie Simpson, Greg Batman Davis, and Jimel. Also, Cripsets are always trying to expand their territories and find new territories to take over which essentially makes their wars never ending. Crips have a loose structure of ranks based on how long a person has been banging for their particular hood and how much work they put in for the hood. Fucc bklood, them pussy ass slobks , red aint true to me cuh, ill hit a slobk in his lip and watch his favorite color drip then erase that nigga like a natzi, 52s hoova gangsta crip till my casket drops. fuCC slobks.fuCC all da rest. The Grape Street Crips, on the other hand, have been known to wear purple in addition to blue. The Shotgun Crips (SGCs) are separated into three sub-sets: the Nine, 139th street; the Foe, 134th street; and the Deuce, 132nd street in the city of Gardena, California. The Crips Book of Knowledge | Phosphoro A G IS ON MY TONGUE But naw, you niggas just be shooting on crenshaw an wonder how the fuck you got pinched. Miss leading Lil homies. The Gardena ShotGun Crips and the Gardena Paybacc Crips are both known to sport appearel of theGreen Bay Packers, for the letter G to representGardena or Gunacompanid by the color green (Gardena city colors). West Coast does not represent left or right, 1d Advice for becoming a gang investigator, 4e Structure and hierarchy of street gangs, 6f Gang Acronyms and Associated Gang Names, 10a OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS (OMG) - History, 11a HATE AND EXTREMIST GROUPS - Intro to hate and extremist groups, 12a GANG INTELLIGENCE - Everything Matters, 13a TRENDS TO ALWAYS WATCH - Trends to watch. Either way, The name stuccand the Cripsalliance was formed. 21. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 15=NEVA SNITCH ON A CRIP Other Crip cards include: Neighborhood Crips (NHC), Trays (Gangster Crips), Blocc Crips, Coasts, Deuces, and CC Riders. It was false claimers from out of town who took these alliances and created their own thing out of it which is why we have Crips riding the 6 today. Here is a short sample of some of the codes that he was memorizing: # codes. 14.WHAT KILLED KING DAVID? WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST. UR WHOLE FAMILY DIES! Cripsets have a loose structure of ranks based on how long a person has been bangingfor their particular hood and how much work they put in for the hood. That cease firewas very brief and the 8 Ball has been cracced(cease firedropped), but that cease-fire agreement may have been what sparked the idea of creating these fictional internet CripBooks of Knowledge. The Cripswere very well knownthroughout southern L.A. as more and more people began to join. Once a person has joined a Blood set, its for life; meaning you can not leave the set or flip (switch) to another set. Buster Breaking the set They call it the "8 Ball" because of the shape you get when you merge the "C" hand sign of the Crips with the "Pitch Fork" hand sign of the Gangster Disciples, which is how they greet each other. Crips under the Neighborhood Card and the Avenue Crips are known to wear baby blue. Founded 1969 in Los Angeles California by Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Lee Washington. 2minz!! T.G. LOVE MY FOLKS N MY LOCS. how many briccs is on the yellow bricc road? The name Cripswas first brought up in L.A. a Los Angeles newspaper in a articalabout young Cribs with canes, as if they were crippled. Shot Gun Crips in Gardena | StreetGangs.Com & Street TV Serena and Venus Williams were raised in the economically depressed and often violence-riddled Los Angeles suburb of Compton, home of the Crips gang. The Crip Label attached to any name means NOTHING. They called it the 8 Ball because of the shape you get when you merge the C handsignof the Cripswith the Pitch Fork handsignof the Gangster Disciples. This billboard was eventually taken down after a gang specialist identified the problem with this picture and reported it. 2 BURNING PITCH FORKS 6MM crip insane neighborhood crip gang east side 4 life all blue everything its a blue world project baby dis jig about his, 64.23 dat 6MM shit cuz bang with dat unknown 4 point crown whats yo 4 points of crip fool Folk Nation "Book of Knowledge" - forumotion.com 22. Gang Terminology - Gang Enforcement The Grape Street Crips, on the other hand, have been known to wear purple in addition toblue. Eight Tray Gangster Crips (LogOut/ N = NOW, NEVER. Sheba to show purity wit a single tear Cripsare known to shout CaRip and OoWoo as a greeting to other Cripsand to let their presensebe known. O-39=LOVE FOR ALL CRIP Living Under Not always our best (Double O.G.)O.O.O.G. Cripsare also known to do a Crip Whistle which consists of 2 short bursts of loud whistles followed by a long burst of loud whistle. They failed miserably because of their lack of political leadership. (Triple O.G.). Police arrest "shotgun crip" after high speed chase. The 83 Gangster Crips (ETGC) also known as Eight Tray Gangster Crips or 8-Tray Gangster Crips are primarily an African-American street gang located on the West Side of South Los Angeles (formerly known as South Central, LA) California. and Locs, were da 307 underworld mafia crips at or 307 mafia crips, whass craccin loc 823GSC C-51 for life fool 6anging g-stone 6ust a slob wattsh hiS faVorite color dRip, Were my 307 underworld mafiaoso crips at.OOG CNUT on donna street, Let it rain let it flood..let a crip killa blood, Did. BLACK= Blacc GANSTAR, Crip Motto Fudge Town Crips are known to wear brown and blue. Six point crips Loyalty to the six point stat The 6 is strictly for mobs under Folks which originated in Chicago and has nothing to do with Crip gangs. A = ALWAYS You guys see shit on tv and in music and wanna be like every other little rapper flashing guns and trying to act cool with drugs and fake court papers, what good will that ever do any of you? C-284=THERE HE/SHE GOES Native Crip cuz-. A lot of people believe the name came to existence because of a spelling error. A DONUT 401 srt8 loc Each Crip set is its own individual gang and are known to have sub-clicks, blocks, or lines (line-ups) which are like smaller individual sets within the set. 1, Wh3t2 craccin deuce sgc here nxrth mpls mn bkabky gin loc whats mxving, $ht gun native Gangsta crip $uth$ide mpl$ 61-deuce little earth prjectz! L = LIFE Crip Nation. These fictional CripBooks of Knowledge spread rapidly throughout the internet in the 90s and eventually into the streets. Third!!! Is there anything wrong with this picture? ROC, OBG H52VA HCG. 6423 east side crip 6mm foe all dem bitch bois dat dont no there history or knowledge cs up gs up fuck a hater Im getin paper, dat insane neighborhood crip gang est side f.o.f. So he set about memorizing the hundreds of codes, phrases, and symbols with determination. 13d Social Media and Intelligence led policing. Is there anything wrong with this picture? Theres absolutely nothing cool about being in a gang. The gang named itself the Baby Avenue Cribs eventually and took on the nickname Cribs because most members were very young back then. All yxt pkexpkle actinG like yall rkeal bkanGers bkut still Cry when yxu fall tx yxur mxm and the rkeal niggas thats abkxut it bkxaG like that shi cxxl yeah i gxt put dxwn with shxtGun Crip tx sx what thwn when yall gx tx jail yall gxn wxnder why because you spreading your buisness on the internet. Crip Knowledge Flashcards | Quizlet Thats why they are in a neighborhood Set in the first place. Most Crip sets wear blue. stay locced out baby gs 24+Rank. Cookie A soft gang member The Crips were very well known throughout southern L.A. as more and more people began to join. I have being looking for the history of the crip and the crip codes. GROOVIN TIL THA MOTHAFUCCIN WOLD STOP MOVIN, Watts Wit It Loc Dont even get me started on the posers WORSE than the one in this story. They dont beef with real bloods r pirus just ptetenders come to watts inglewood compton south r west la they wont survive real hood talk, Gardena Crip Gang fucc all Super loc out busters slobk diru killa, Yxu sxunkd real dumbk cuz fym nxt real cripks? 17. Drivers who text spend about 10% of their driving time outside their own driving lane. This widespread miseducationof the Crips has leadto a recent major outreach by west coast Cripsto all Cripsacross the country to let them know that Crips do not represent the Folks Nationof Chicago and do not represent the Gangster Disciples 6 point star and lit. Folk Nation "Book of Knowledge". Top Gangsters Insane Original Gangsters, C-21=YOU STRAPPED BLUE STEEL CRIP BANGIN TO DEATH. Our Insane Crip ideology is for our set. 18. 9=Always RESPECT A LOCs Blacc GANGTXA. 366-loc up cumin frm da WestSide of the A-town ! 20=CRIP 6 WILL NOT ACCEPT ANYONE UNDER THA 5. Aye shotgun you forgot to X a few Owes at da botoom of your rant.. Fuccin goofy. He appointed myself Cool Crop and Dooley the leaders of the baby crops. Venus has her arm around Serenas waist. Fatima, Pamela, and Sheba in crip we trust and slo6 we 6ust . WHYS THE SKY BLUE? 4. BLACC GANSTA CITY This widespread miseducation of the Crips has lead to a recent major outreach by west coast Crips to all Crips across the country to let them know that Crips do not represent the Folks Nation of Chicago and do not represent the Gangster Disciples 6 point star and lit. . Territorial will war with other Crip sets. The gangs under the CripAlliance are mainly identified by the color blue which is wornproudly by all Cripmembers as a primary color. 12.WHATS UNDER YOUR PYRAMID? Note the 6-point star and the large B with a K inside (stands for blood killer) as well as his spelling of the word kick as kicc this of course is to avoid the letters C and K being next to each other as they stand for Crip Killer.: Needless to say, I think my young friend was something of a poser. This is because many independent organizations outside of California and across the United States have also decided to be sanctioned into the Crip alliance. around these streets. Crip is an alliance of individual street organizations known as sets. I WILL NEVER DENY ,ALWAYS RIDE. gaybaccs and slap ones got 100 members, combined. In retaliation, all non-crip gangs, including the Pirus, later formed an alliance that eventually became known as the Bloods. 11. 3 cz, a book of knowledge, 2 dueces, and a blue devil. 16=CRIP WILL NOT Tolerate Gays OF THAT KIND. a C. The Crip alliance has significantly branched out of California and has spread throughout the majority of the United States. And oh yea your half black you honkey kike, LOL, My, My, Such a Nigger temper. 4=Always SHOW YA LOVE IN YA STACC. What is yxu a snkoopk im xff this thang smh yxu aint nx real cripk talking like dat. 20. 35=The HATE FOR BLOODS. Part of the 3X/Gangster Crip card.
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